Listening diagnostic system of five viscera
编辑时间:2018-12-24 来源
① Introduction of Instruments
Quantitative monitoring of traditional medicine
Five-tone Recognition of Health Status
Provide individualized health conditioning program
Simple operation, non-invasive, painless
The trolley can be moved freely.
② Functional introduction
Fixed test words are selected through the acquisition of five tones. According to the summary of the standard five tones table, the test words reflecting five tones are extracted and analyzed, and the objective diagnostic purpose is achieved by painless and non-invasive examination.
According to the relationship between five viscera and five tones, the difference of human voice and audio frequency is analyzed as one of the basis for identifying the health status of 25 viscera and meridians.
③ Scope of application
A. Healthy Cabin
B. Distance diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine
C. Preventive treatment centre
D. Clinic, drugstore
E. High-end Physical Examination Center
F. Pension institutions
G. Clinical Diagnosis, Teaching and Scientific Research of Traditional Chinese Medicine
H. Health Hall, Sports Club, Resort, etc.
Sound is one of the five visceral signals, and the change of sound is one of the important information of disease. Whether a machine is defective or not can be identified by sound. Similarly, human diseases can be judged by sound changes.
According to the relationship between five viscera and five tones, the difference of human voice and audio frequency is analyzed as one of the basis for identifying the health status of 25 viscera and meridians. An objective and standardized unified quantitative analysis and diagnosis method is formed so as to solve the treatment needs of the large number of outpatient in grass-roots Traditional Chinese Medicine hospitals and patients with complex conditions.
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