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Company profile State-level high-tech enterprises specializing in research, development, production and sales of medical devices of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Wuhu Shenmeifu Science Co., Ltd was incorporated in 2009, the company is a National high-tech enterprises, dedicated to R&D, produce and sales of the TCM diagnostic equipment. As a committee unit of Medical Electrical Physical Therapy Committee,SAC and Medical Instrument Committee,CSBE, our company is the setter and verifier of the Chinese medicine……

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  • NEWS2018-12-22


    第一条 为加强中医医院“治未病”科规范化建设和科学管理,提高“治未病”服务水平和能力,根据《国家中医药管理局关于积极发展中医预防保健服务...

  • NEWS2018-10-22


    Notice on the implementation plan of the project of enhancing the se...

400-022-3085 13083210911

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